Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Institutional Data 'Music Magazine'

NME know a lot of information about their audience and this enables them to create the best magazine they can to appeal to their audience with all the bands and music and information which is what their readers are into.

Their target audience is mainly males (Male/Female - 73%/27%), this will help the magazine enable which kind of bands and adverts they would include as males and females more often then not have different interests. However, they do not exclude females from this magazine and try to offer as much as they can for both sexes but mainly focusing on males. NME found out that quite a large percentage of their readers are students, this would in turn effect the price and frequency of their magazine. Also, the society class is effected. The magazine is not aimed at the upper class or wealthy, it is aimed at the working class and students. They have adapted the magazine and its price so it appeals to them.

NME have also done some investigating into what their readers do in their spare time so they can maybe offer them a little more then what they already offer. They have discovered there target audience are very 'techno savy' and say that 72% have a broadband internet connection at home and also 62% have brought something online recently. They have also studied there readers and discovered how 67% are attending a festival this year and 80% of there readers consider music to be an important part of there lives. This means NME which offers music information would become a part of their music hobby. NME do there best to present as much music information or the type of artists and band which there readers would be interested in.

NME have definitly done there homework when it comes to studying there target audience and have tried to consider all apsects of the readers lives so they can fulfil there needs and wants from a luxury magazine which would only highten there love for music so the readers keep on coming back to NME which at the end of the day, is the aim for any magazine.

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