Wednesday, 6 April 2011

How does your media product represent particular social groups? Continued

I have choosen a picture of 'The Veronicas'. The reason I have chose these is because they are most similar to my female duo artists. There are very few female duo's, and the style which I would like my audience to embrace would be the same kind of style as The Veronicas. The people in these images are all white and I would say, of a middle class at least. I think there are many features in this photo which show that. Both of these photos are mid-shots of the artists, I choose to have a mid-shot because you still get a close enough image of the faces, yet you get the whole image of their posture as well. In both images, the postures of the artists are quite pose-y and show they have full control of the image. Although in the image of 'The Veronicas', both of the females are smiling, and in my image, they have a much more neutral expression, yet both have the same connatation and give the same vibe of being cool and in control, almost like 'they don't care' attitude. The clothing style is different for both of them, 'The Veronicas' have darker coloured clothes which kind of shows a dark side to them, whereas in my image they have brighter coloured clothes which shows maybe a more 'playful' side to them. The style which they both embrace is quite messy and looks 'not put together', but this has a completely opposite effect of looking effortlessly stylish. I think my audience would appriciate that.

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